There are 3 main reasons why you should choose grass finished beef:
It’s Better for the Cattle
It’s Better for You
It’s Better for the Environment
When a cow eats grass its entire life, its body is much happier. Grains often cause fermentation, rather than healthy digestion, in the stomach of the cow. If too much grain is consumed too quickly it can cause acidosis, slowing of the gut, dehydration and often death. Cattle have an amazing natural design in their digestive system that can turn useless forage grasses into high quality protein. Why do we need to interfere?
Many studies have shown that grass finished beef is a more heart healthy option than grain fed beef. It is much leaner and there are higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 fatty acids, Beta-carotene, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in Omega-6 is a natural fatty acid which has a number of benefits in cancer immunity.
We know that cattle benefit the land in many ways, such as aerating the soil with their hooves, preventing wildfires through grazing, and utilizing land that is too steep or rocky for farming. Natural grazing does not promote excessive deforestation because cattle require the protection of forests in the cold of winter and the heat of summer. A diet high in grains and fillers upsets a cow’s digestion process and fermentation in the stomach causes more harmful methane gas. Thus, eat only grass, emit less methane.
Ultimately, the cow that grazes its entire life on naturally growing grasslands, will just have a richer, more complex flavor. So if you’re watching your amount of beef intake, don’t you want it to taste the best it can? We think so!
Grass finished beef is also referred to as 100% grass fed beef. The cattle will only have a diet of natural grass (this can be fresh grazing or haybales) from birth to death. This is a diet that their bodies are designed to ingest. Grains like wheat, corn, barley, and oats are not naturally part of a cows diet, it is human intervention.
This has become a very popular phrase that is often misleading. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has made no legislation providing guidelines for the use of the phrase, and as such, ranchers are able to call their cattle ‘grass fed’ even if the herd has only eaten grass for any short period of time. Thus, grass fed beef can still be raised in feedlots where they are fattened up on grains. The term ‘grass fed’ does not indicate the length of time the herd is on grass, and it does not exclude use of a grain based diet. Don’t be fooled by the romantic nature of the phrase or the pictures of the green pastures, because you don’t get to see the last few months when their diet is very different.
It takes longer to bring cattle up to the optimal weight for processing.
For grass-finished beef, cattle eat only forage until they reach market weight. It generally takes longer to finish cattle on grass than on grain, adding to the cost of grass-finished beef.
You don’t need to care if you don’t want to care.
If you have concerns about well being of the animal, the environment, your own personal health and the flavors of what you eat.
It’s up to you to decide what’s best for you and your family.