The cattle breeds that we handle have been chosen for the environment that we live in. Chilcotin can be harsh country and our focus is on those hearty breeds that can transform the native forage into a high-quality, fully grass finished beef.
Also known as Aberdeen Angus, Scottish origins. The more traditional British beef cattle that we see on ranches. It is the most common breed found in North America. This breed originates in Scotland and is known for its quality meat characteristics, hardiness to survive nature’s elements, and easy handling.
An ancient breed of cattle originating from the harsh environment of the Scottish Highlands. The most charisma in their wide horns and long shaggy coats. These thick coats provide protection from our cold Canadian winters, and consequently their bodies are not required to produce as much fat as needed otherwise. Like our Galloways this breed also produces a high-quality grass finished beef from challenging forage conditions.
Also known as panda cows or oreo cows, a heritage breed originating from Scotland that thrives on marginal grass pasture and often challenging weather conditions. This breed is prized for its ability to produce a well marbled and high-quality grass finished beef.